Thursday, December 28, 2006

What Now?

It took a while for us to reach the empty nest stage, there's been lots of moving in, moving out, moving upstairs, moving downstairs, but for the first time in 37 years, Ronnie and I are are alone at home again.

This will be the story of what happens next. Stay tuned.


Four Little Boys..... said...

Know you need to have a hobby room, a sewing room, and make your house yours.

Anonymous said...

When you think about it, you guys have a ton of space in that house, so I think Renee's idea is a good one.

Think back to the days before kids and try to remember all of those things you liked to do together.

Niki said...

I know that the first thing that I would do is get out all of the breakable things that I have had to put away,lol. I would take the time and really focus in on yourselves. I would find a hobby that you could both enjoy together.

That Guy said...

Ron- You need a naked room.
Susan- You need somewhere to hide from Rons Naked room.

Natalie said...

I think that it is a very good thing to find a hobby in common. Maybe you could discover a new hobby that you have never tried before.

Grandpa Don also told me that I needed to get you guys to go to church. So hey why don't you find one you like. It would give you a chance to meet some people and there are always lots of places to get involved. Even if you only go once, it would fulfill my oath.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Keegan and David get their bikes and a Merry Christmas was had by all. Click on photo to see slide show.

Happy Birthday Steph and Riley

Happy Birthday Steph and Riley

Happy Birthday Mike

Happy Birthday Mike